Algebra Series - Concepts and Formulas™
Sets of Numbers, Number Lines, Intervals and Absolute Value (ALG-CF2)

This sheet provides a comprehensive review of all of the most important topics, concepts and formulas spanning the algebraic concepts of: sets of numbers, number lines, intervals and absolute value, explained in detail, with detailed illustrations. Unlike charts and notes, this Concepts and
Formulas™ sheet anticipates and answers questions about how to use the concepts - how to solve problems with them, it doesn't just list facts and formulas.
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Format: self-contained e-book 691 kB. Click here for registration (activation) information after purchase.
Topics Covered:
- Subsets
- Supersets
- Intersection and Union
- Closed sets
- Number lines
- How to determine the coordinates of points on a number line
- How to graph numbers
- The origin
- Positive and Negative directions
- Relative positions of real numbers on a number line
- Weak and Strict inequalities
- The relationship between Equalities and Inequalities
- The properties of inequality of real numbers
- Intervals and Interval notation
- Bounded intervals
- Open and Closed intervals
- Half-open intervals
- Unbounded intervals
- Simple fractions
- Decimal fractions
- Terminating decimals
- Recurring decimals
- Perfect square rational numbers
- Irrational numbers and radicals
- Absolute value
- Opposite numbers
- The properties of absolute value
- The equality properties of real numbers
- The order properties of real numbers
This e-book can only be read on the computer on which it was registered. Each purchase grants the license for use on only one computer.
System requirements: Windows 95, 98, 98SE, 2000, NT, Me, XP or Vista; at least 256 MB of RAM (memory) What are E-Sheets™?
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