Geometry Review Series - Concepts and Formulas™
Polygons, Circles: Parts and Properties (GRV-CF2)
This sheet provides a comprehensive review of all of the most important properties and aspects of plane geometry and some important results from solid geometry. Included are a complete review of the various types and aspects of polygons, circles, and the relationships between these plane, closed figures and lines and triangles. Each concept is explained in detail, with detailed illustrations.
Topics Covered:
- Parts, types and properties of polygons
- Regular polygons
- Parts and measures of regular polygons
- Parts and properties of circles
- Secants and Tangents to circles
- Angles and Triangles in relation to circles
- Some results from solid geometry
Related Stuffed Sheets™:
Geometry Review Series:
Fundamental Definitions, Basic Figures and Properties (GRV-CF1)
Trigonometry Series:
Trigonometry Fundamentals (TRG-CF1)
Trigonometric Functions and Applications (TRG-CF2)
Periodicity and Trigonometric Graphs (TRG-CF3)
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