Trigonometry Series - Concepts and Formulas™
Trigonometric Functions and Applications (TRG-CF2)
This sheet provides a comprehensive review of all of the most important topics, concepts and formulas covering trigonometric functions and applications. Each concept is explained in detail, with detailed illustrations. Unlike charts and notes, this Concepts and Formulas™ sheet answers questions about how to use the concepts - how to actually solve problems with them, it doesn't just list facts and formulas.
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Format: self-contained e-book 876 kB. Click here for registration (activation) information after purchase.
Topics Covered:
- Types of Triangles
- Isosceles right triangles (45°-45°-90°)
- 30°-60°-90° triangles
- Coordinates of points on the unit circle at multiples of
- Trigonometric functions
- Reference angles and Reference numbers
- Reciprocal trigonometric functions
- Pythagorean identities
- The definitions of the six basic trigonometric functions and their Pythagorean relationships
- Relationships between the Sine, Cosine and Tangent Functions
- Determining the Signs of Trigonometric Functions
- Manipulating Trigonometric Expressions
- Applications of Right Triangles
- Angles of inclination and depression
- Areas of triangles
This e-book can only be read on the computer on which it was registered. Each purchase grants the license for use on only one computer.
System requirements: Windows 95, 98, 98SE, 2000, NT, Me, XP or Vista; at least 256 MB of RAM (memory)
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