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Quick Solutions - Submitting Problems
Send an accurate and complete description of the problems that you want solved. In addition, please be sure to indicate any specific instructions. If your instructions are not complete and clear we will not be able to start work on your problems, and you will be contacted by e-mail for additional information.
E-mail your problems to: solutions@stuffedsheets.com.
Submission Formats: Please send your problems either in the body of the e-mail, as a MS Word document file attached to your initial e-mail or as an Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file.
Graphics: Problems sent as graphics files (Photoshop or other format) are difficult to read and print. If you want to send diagrams with your problems, please reduce the file size as much as possible before submitting. Bitmap files are usually quite large, please reduce them either to a GIF (preferable) or a JPEG file. If you have access to a digital camera, you can attach a JPEG picture to your e-mail.
Solution Formats: You can receive your solutions either: 1 as an e-mail link to a unique web page that we create for you; or 2 e-mailed to you as a professionally typeset Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file. You will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to read and print the PDF files. You will have to specify which format you prefer when sending your payment.
Time: In our reply e-mail, you will receive a guaranteed-by time to receive your solutions. We will get to work on your job after the problems, all instructions and the fee have been received. Your unique solutions web page link or PDF solutions will be sent to you by e-mail in 6 to 12 hours of receipt of your payment (unless there is a backlog).
Rush Jobs: Some jobs can be handled in considerably less than 6 hours. E-mail your problems indicating "Rush Job" in the subject line, in the body of your e-mail indicate how soon you need the solutions and we will let you know if it is possible for us to complete your problems as a Rush Job. The fee for accepted rush jobs is $45.00 per hour to work the problems and post or typeset the solutions, since you are asking to have your job placed ahead of someone else's. Rush Jobs will only be accepted on a time-availability basis. See also Late-Night Service and Quick Turn-Around Solutions.
Backlogs: If there is ever a time that we feel that your job cannot be completed within the normal 6 to 12-hour period due to a work backlog (usually around exam times), we will let you know, and you can decide whether you are willing to wait the extra one to four days. Occasionally, the backlog is so great that we have to put a hold on all new jobs. We apologize in advance if your job happens to arrive at one of those times.