Stuffed Sheets™ are the most thorough compilation of math I have ever seen in such a small and manageable format... more |
Stuffed Sheets.com's Quick Online Hints™ is a subscription-based service where you can get quick answers to your math questions. This service was created so that students can get access to quick answers, definitions of math terms, general help and guidelines on how to solve their math problems using live chat. For involved problems and for detailed solutions for specific problems, use our e-mail service.
Subscribe to Quick Online Hints™ for only $5.99 per week, and contact us by chat, from 4:00 PM until 2:00 AM (eastern time) Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday;
9:00 PM until 2:00 AM (eastern time) Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. |
Here's how to get started: |
1 Sign up for Quick Online Hints™ |
2 Download Skype™ |
3 After you register, you will receive an e-mail with details on how to get started. |